The StreamGeeks Team is comprised of Paul Richards, Tess Protesto and Michael Luttermoser. The show is hosted by Paul & Tess and Michael is the producer. Paul is the self-proclaimed, Chief Streaming Officer and curates much of the content for the live show. Tess is the Social Media Manager which is no easy task in today’s modern age. Tess can be found on Facebook, in our User Group and beyond when it comes to Social Media. Follow us on Instagram, YouTube or Facebook and see! Michael is our video production expert and when he’s not producing one of our live shows, he is business either shooting or editing videos for the StreamGeeks channels.
Finally, if you haven’t seen the official tour of our office here is the floor plan. As you can see the entire office has been designed to showcase an entire inter-connected video streaming and production workplace. Every space from the lobby, to the collaboration areas and video streaming studios have been designed with a gigabit ethernet backbone for interconnectivity.
The video below takes your through our $10k budget we spent in the studio. This does not include equipment costs but hopefully gives you a good idea of our thought process and plans for the future 🙂