
Hey StreamGeeks, Has anyone noticed—multi-camera video production is becoming more popular? Everywhere we turn, we hear about multi-camera video systems being used in sports, education, corporate webinars, and worship production. From student-run broadcasts at local high schools to instant replay systems for hockey and baseball, it’s clear that organizations of all sizes are upgrading to […]

Hey StreamGeeks, This month, we’re diving into a topic that’s reshaping how we think about video production: the blurring lines between Audio Visual (AV) and Broadcast technologies. Over the past few months, I have noticed the power of live streaming is being leveraged to grow in-person events. As this happens, niche events like the Lancaster […]

Sports Video with a PTZ, the StreamGeeks Summit, and a SuperJoyous Joystick Feature!  Game-Changer on the Field: PTZ Cameras Capturing Sports I recorded a three-game soccer tournament for my son’s soccer game this past weekend. I opened my war-chest of streaming gear and picked out my most trustworthy gear. The kit included a PTZOptics Move […]

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