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Music is a form of magic, and it has the power to inspire, spread joy, and radiate positivity through melody. Enjoying live music is a feeling that one cannot express through words, but with the pandemic forcing us indoors, attending live performances and shows is not possible anymore. However, we live in an age of […]
Branding Live Streams & Channel Are you just starting out on Twitch, YouTube or Facebook? Or maybe you’re thinking of starting a brand new channel? If that’s the case you might be trying to work out how to make your channel stand out from the crowd, after all the growth in the number of Twitch […]
How to use vMix Triggers vMix Triggers can add powerful automation sequences to your live productions. This becomes especially important for complex productions with a single operator. The producer will not need to remember every single cue and function since many can be automated through triggers. Triggers can handle anything from adding overlays after a […]
Working with vMix Data Sources vMix offers several options to add dynamic content to your live productions. One of them is vMix Data Sources. With Data Sources, you can import data from sources like spreadsheets, RSS, JSON, a text file, and XML. Even better, this data can be updated in real-time to your live production. […]
Using vMix Playlists A great way to automate your productions in vMix is by using the playlist feature. This feature allows you to create a playlist of inputs and automatically transition between camera, videos, and other inputs you have created. Getting Started Once you have your input sources set up in vMix, click on the […]
External Output (Connecting with Zoom) Seemingly overnight, Zoom became the go to video conferencing platform for businesses, non-profits, government agencies, and schools. While Zoom is a powerful product in its own right, users quickly began to look for ways to integrate other video tools. One of those tools is vMix. Users want to be able […]
PTZ Camera Controls in vMix vMix has modernized live video production and increased what small video production teams are able to do. vMix 4K and Pro editions include multiple ways to control pan, tilt and zoom cameras which can help automate video production workflows even further. vMix can currently control specific PTZ cameras over an […]
Working with NDI Sources in vMix NDI or Network Device Interface is a powerful way to share video content across a local area network. The protocol, developed by NewTek, opens new production possibilities, and with vMix, it is easy to both send and receive video via NDI. Not only can vMix share cameras, video, audio, […]
vMix Color Correction Tools A big part of making your live production look great is making sure your colors look realistic and match from camera to camera. vMix includes color correction tools that are advanced enough for color optimization experts yet simple enough that average users can improve their productions’ overall look. Color correction tools […]
Using the vMix Web Controller The vMix Web Controller gives you access to many of the features and controls of vMix from a smartphone, tablet, or any computer on your network with a web browser. Just about any functioning smartphone or tablet will work if it has a web browser and can connect to the […]